i'm a crazy welsh person (who grew up and lives in switzerland)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

surprised to have survived training tonight...

it's incredible what i can do as long as it's dressed up and called volleyball. tonight we were supposed to be merging the women's and the men's training (cause we didn't expect there to be many people turning up this close to christmas) and having one three hour long session. but no men turned up... (apart from chris, but he was coaching, he can't play, his shoulder's completely screwed up, he's having an operation in january). luckily there were 6 of us, so it still worked out more or less ok, though chris wasn't too pleased, he'd planned stuff you needed more people for).

anyway, chris sent an email out on monday saying he was going to do an hour of fitness training, an hour of drills and an hour of game situations and actual playing. that's probably why no guys turned up (except the two who hadn't got the emails and turned up at eight thirty expecting the usual men's team training. the italian guy ran off the moment he realised that he was the only guy, the second one came later).

chris tried to follow through on his email, but there weren't enough of us for most of the drills he wanted to do. we started off running laps as usual. except today we didn't stop after five or six laps, we carried on. i was most alarmed. we ran for a quarter of an hour! i'm sure there's a post round here somewhere about the last time i tried running and managed a whole seven and a half minutes. that's half the time!!! and i collapsed afterwards, i didn't carry on training for two hours!!! ah, here it is and i was wrong, it was actually only seven minutes...
anyway, i managed to make myself run for 15 minutes (it boggles the mind, well my mind anyway). then we did some streches which felt lovely (except i could barely stand which wasn't so good for some which required a little bit of balancing and anybody who's ever seen me in training can attest to the fact that i'm bad at balancing at the best of times...). and then we did more laps! another 5 minutes at the beginning of which i was protesting loudly but i shut up right away as breathing required my full attention. then we did horrible stuff, i'm going to be in agony tomorrow, and then another two laps (which is probably about 200 meters or so). and then we had a break, chris gave us a quality street each for energy, i thought he was being nice. but then he tortured us more... lots of horrible running and jumping with the loosing pair having to do sit-ups. since mandy cheated and i could barely stand let alone run and jump we lost (we wouldn't have if mandy hadn't cheated and mahile hadn't got confused and not done half of the stuff (technically also cheating) so that pair shaved quite a lot off their time). had to do quite a few sit-ups. and we'd done tons of them earlier (in between the 'horrible stuff').

oop, i think the stella's just kicked in. my head feels slightly wobbly... hurray, it's worked though: my elbow just feels sore in the same way as the rest of me will tomorrow. it's stopped trying to make me howl in agony :-) turns out stella is really good for pain-killing. young's winter warmer is crap. i had a pint of the stuff (we went to the pub) and i drank it quite quickly (hoping for it to numb the pain, plus the others were in a hurry). but it had no effect whatsoever. so i had a bottle of stella when i got home. and now it's my thumb that's most painful again. that's alright, i can deal with that. but last night i only had the one small bottle of stella and the agony in my elbow went. instead my head didn't go floppy. stupid winter warmer!

it's a good thing it's christmas, gives my poor limbs a chance to recuperate. my amkle's not happy, my right elbow is agony (not right now, but that's the beer), my right thumb's agony (not compared to the elbow, but still), the middle finger of my right hand is fine unless i use it(!) (fine for playing the piano though)... i think that's it, but it's quite a list for someone who's usually not got anything specific wrong with them (apart from being fat of course). i'm beginning to sound like a right hypochondriac! ah well...

back to training. when we finally got round to playing (after a coule of torturous drills) we played two against three. jenny and i played mahile, hannah and the guy who turned up just in time to play (mandy had to go home). i prefer to play in a team of two than three. two and six are the ideal numbers. when there are six people on court you know what's your responsibility cause you've practised it over and over. when there's just two of you you know any ball is yours unless it's clearly your one team mate's. when there are 3 to 5 of you it's just confusing. nobody knows exactly which area they're supposed to be covering cause it's not something you practise and discuss... which is why any time someone asks 'who's gonna be on the two-side' i'll yell 'me me me me!!!'. it's good fun and good exercise.

chris said each member of the loosing team would have to do two push-ups for each point they lost by. i took great exception to that, in the end he relented, so anyone for whom push-ups were too much (well you try pushing almost a hundred kilos up and down in that position!!!) was allowed to do sit-ups. we won anyway though :-)

just realised: the wobbly head is probably due in part to the fact that my dinner consisted of a packet of quavers and two small cookies... now the question is: to eat or not to eat? hmm, sounds too much like a descision to me, will ignore the question and see what happens.

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