i'm a crazy welsh person (who grew up and lives in switzerland)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

quitting puzzle games

i am officially quitting puzzle games such as minesweeper, sudoku and all such games! they are stopping me coming closer to God and just generally ruining my life (the games are ruining my life, not stopping me from ruining it...). the last two weeks i've spent hours and hours (and more hours) playing them when i should have been reading up on division algorithms for my master thesis, and so i've been getting more and more stressed until now i can hardly get to sleep at night (so i do more puzzles). and by the time i can finally tear myself away from them i think to myself 'it's too late to spend hours reading the bible, i'll do that tomorrow' or 'i'll just read a random (short) psalm tonight'.

the sermon today was great. i think the church is being woken up, maybe we're in for a revival. scary, but cool. that stupid word. 'cool'. i say 'cool' for just about anything. last week i told andrea her testimony was 'cool'. then i had to go 'um, no, of course i didn't mean cool. i meant, um, good. um, you know, um, really, um, moving, right? oh, you know what i mean!'... so i should probably quit the stupid word 'cool' unless i actually mean coldish...

anyway, the sermon about what Jesus would say if you met him right now and asked (like the rich guy in lukes(?) gospel) 'what do i need to do to be guaranteed eternal life', meaning 'what's left in my life that's preventing me from growing in Christ?' chrigi challenged us all to make a decision today to get rid of whatever it is in our lives. for some people it's obvious what it is, for others it's a subject they daren't think about, others (like me) can't tell.

i've got so many things that need fixing... volleyball (although currently it's not something more important than Jesus, it's actually something i'd rather quit, but i've committed myself to playing in both teams), food (but i'm always worried i'd be doing that for the wrong reasons (loosing weight) (and i don't mean quitting food altogether OF COURSE!!!), books (i've managed to quit romance novels, took over 200!! books to the second hand shop a couple of months ago), cds, general material posessions... and probably many others i can't think of right now... so it was quite a difficult choice, but i decided on the puzzle games and i've deleted the links from my blog to reduce temptation. although not the ones i posted specially, there's no point, i know the URLs off by heart (in fact i caught my fingers typing one automatically the moment i opened the browser...).

right, got to go, off to ICF (international christian fellowship), hope it's good this time, i've only been twice and both times it was crap (oops, should also swear less. no, should stop swearing)


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