Thursday, October 18, 2007
early morning driving lesson

the driving lesson went well though. we did a mock exam and i did really well, inspite of the tricky little roads we went down where irene (my instructor) refused to give me any directions. there were lots of barely marked one way streets and i didn't go down any of them the wrong way :-) and we survived the killer motorway slip road (not kidding about it beinig killer, it's really short and at the end there's no hard shoulder to continue on if you can't get into the traffic. apparently one instructor can't drive anymore cause a lorry went into the back of them... eeek!)
in fact only two things went wrong. i stalled right at the end in the car park (moron me, i know). and the other thing was that i got confused: i thought we were somewhere else and when irene said we were heading for heuried i was convinced that was left. but when we came round the bend the signpost said right, so i was a tiny bit confused and my brain couldn't quite work out what the rules are if the lights are flashing but the barrier's not down yet at the level crossing... oopsy. so irene braked hard (i'm not a hundred percent sure my brain wouldn't have come to the right conclusion in time, i was going relatively slow) and i failed the exam... wooooopsy. thank goodness it wasn't the real exam. and i've learnt two things: never assume you know where you are, just follow the signs (these are guidelines for ME, obviously anyone with half a brain and maybe a bit more experience than me might well actually know where they are (and be right about it, too)), and i don't think i'll ever forget that i absolutely have to stop no matter what if the level crossing lights are flashing...
but anyway, apart from that it was fine, irene said i'd have passed if not for the level crossing, which is something i'd never have believed last night :) hurray, maybe i can actaully learn to drive ;-)
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