Thursday, November 23, 2006
green again :-)
somehow i miss the pink though :-( ah well... hurray for my blog, restored to all it's former glory :-D in spite of me being such a useless dolt... for a moment i thought i'd screwed it up and the green was gone forever, but i must have just copy pasted it wrong the first time ;-)
i can't resist putting in a picture of it's pink splendour, just to remind myself. i might want to go back to that. or i might one day wake up and realise that i actually hate pink i'd just forgotten (cause i really did hate it up till a couple of ears ago :-S) and then i'll have a picture to remind myself never to be so stupid again... ;-)

bye-bye pretty pink blog...
i can't resist putting in a picture of it's pink splendour, just to remind myself. i might want to go back to that. or i might one day wake up and realise that i actually hate pink i'd just forgotten (cause i really did hate it up till a couple of ears ago :-S) and then i'll have a picture to remind myself never to be so stupid again... ;-)

bye-bye pretty pink blog...
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