i'm a crazy welsh person (who grew up and lives in switzerland)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

relaxing weekend

have had a small go at f1x1ng (sorry, the 'eye' letter's not work1ng today, replac1ng 1t w1th '1's) the green vers1on of the template, but hasn't worked properly so far and 1 couldn't be bothered to spend all weekend f1x1ng 1t. so 1t's st1ll all p1nk... ah well

went to helen's last n1ght. jul1a was there w1th her lot. the k1ds all d1d loads of pa1nt1ng and then d1d a gallery of them. we were each allowed to have one for free, then we had to buy them (the proceeds went to char1ty). 1 kept p1ck1ng ones that emma had done, couldn't seem to help myself. 1n the end 1 found one of beth's 1 l1ked. after 1 thought 1'd done my duty and put my wallet back away (they were 20p each, 1 d1dn't m1nd the money, 1t was what to do w1th them, 1 can't bear to throw them away and 1 can't be bothered to f1nd somewhere for them), beth wh1spered to me 'can you buy one of james' he's try1ng to sell them' (james 1s 6) so 1 had another look. found a random one 1 qu1te l1ked, not a clue whose 1t was. so 1 asked, and 1t turned out to be james'. 1n my usual tactful manner 1 blurted out 'wow, 1 actually l1ke 1t!' ;-) 1n the end 1 completely forgot about them and left them at helen's. 1'd wrapped them up really carfully too, so they ddn't get ru1ned on the way home... ah well, solves the problem of what to do w1th them...

we got 'the lake house' to watch. jul1a alternated between not hav1ng a clue what was go1ng on and mak1ng w1ld guesses at the plot (ok, st1ll no clue about what was go1ng on...). 1t was 1mposs1ble to hear most of the d1alog cause everyone was talk1ng, 1 gave up and jo1ned 1n so helen sa1d accus1ngly at the end 'you were talk1ng as much as anyone else'. well otherw1se 1t would have been a complete n1ghtmare... and anyt1me someone k1ssed jul1a would make these shr1ek1ng 'ooooooooooh' no1ses. very juven1le ;-)

th1s morn1ng the serv1ce was a heal1ng service (oh, look the 's... oh no, 1t's not back...). 1 was a b1t worr1ed about 1t, cause 1t could have been qu1te awful, w1th people br1ng1ng s1ck fr1ends and relat1ves... but t1m (the pastor) 1s really good, people can really connect w1th h1m. and the stuff he's exper1enced 1s ... 1 wanted to say 1ncred1ble, but 1t's not, 1t's m1raculous and wonderful :-D so although 1'm not sure anyone got healed (they m1ght have though), 1t was st1ll a very good serv1ce and 1 do th1nk 1t helped the people who came

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