i'm a crazy welsh person (who grew up and lives in switzerland)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


i'm not well, i think i've got the flu or something. it's horrid, everything aches. i went home early after making myself concentrate hard until 5 o'clock, at which point i gave up and stumbled my way home...

while i was at lunch (before going home half dead. i had a bowl of soup and a cup of tea, my poor throat was most grateful) some guy from this international recruitment agency (based in the UK but specialising in placing people in switzerland :-s) sent me an email saying he'd seen my impressive (no kidding *g*) profile on monster.ch and was looking forward to hearing from me.

the last time i got a message like that i freaked and didn't go back on xing for over a month. in fact, i only went back on again properly this week, and i got the message in november... i'm a very special individual. the reason i freaked was that it sounded like the guy had a a job to fill that would really suit me. if it had been some random thing i really didn't want to do, i'd just have ignored it or written back 'thanks, but no thanks' or whatever. but because it sounds like a real opportunity, i go nuts and bury my head in the sand... well done vicky!

so this time i resolved to answer it like the normal, sensible adult that i refuse to be. but cause i was feeling so awfully icky i thought i'd put it off till tomorrow. that's not too late to answer, 24 hours later, is it?

after brewing myself another cuppa and escaping from stephie (she was bored, i'd've been happy to play with her, but since any sound was causing the jack-hammers in my head to rev up another level, and i just wanted to be horizontal, i couldn't take it for long) i crawled into bed. heaven! but of course i got bored quite quickly and thought it might be a good idea to send ouot a text to the girsl in my small group asking what time they want to come round next monday, since only one of them has answered the email i sent. got out my phone and saw 'new voice-mail' flashing. :-s who could that be? it's the guy, calling from the uk! he's eager! is that normal?

of course i couldn't relax after that (i did try, lay there for another quarter of an hour, but it just wouldn't work), so i got up to draft my reply. as usual, i'm stuck. on the first line. meh. what's the form, eh? he wrote 'Hello Ms G'. do i answer 'Hello Mr S'?

so i've been researching it badly. i haven't yet found anything to help me with this specific question. but have got bogged down in loads of great (-looking) sites with helpful tips on interviewing and general looking for jobs.

here they are:

my head is killing me. i'm gonna have a whack at that stupid letter and then go back to bed. thanks for the tips, pij! oh yes, thomas too :-)

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