Friday, March 21, 2008
i should be writing my master thesis like mad. but i've got stuck and am surfing the internet instead. i've joined a new network: Twenty Something Bloggers. Typical ;-)
in my search for a suitable profile picture i stumbled over this old example of my infinite specialness that i don't seem to have posted:

my phone can take panoramic pictures and standing in the bar at the top of the guiness store house in dublin i decided to try it out. after carefully reading the instructions (really carefully! twice!!) i took the three pictures. and then declared my phone was too useless to stick them together properly. would you believe it took me about ten minutes to realise i'd taken the pictures in the wrong order...
i'm never going to be able to tell the difference between right and left.
ooh, i did post about it, i just didn't put the picture up...
so, back to describing division algorithms and drawing block diagrams :-(
in my search for a suitable profile picture i stumbled over this old example of my infinite specialness that i don't seem to have posted:

my phone can take panoramic pictures and standing in the bar at the top of the guiness store house in dublin i decided to try it out. after carefully reading the instructions (really carefully! twice!!) i took the three pictures. and then declared my phone was too useless to stick them together properly. would you believe it took me about ten minutes to realise i'd taken the pictures in the wrong order...
i'm never going to be able to tell the difference between right and left.
ooh, i did post about it, i just didn't put the picture up...
so, back to describing division algorithms and drawing block diagrams :-(
Labels: dublin, i'm special, networks, pics, procrastinating, uni
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